
In the new digital transformation era,  new solutions rise to support Business: Cloud, Mobility, IoT, SCADA etc. The dynamic and continuous changes create new emerging  challenges in the cyberspace.

Today organizations are increasing workloads gradually or abruptly to cloud, with more and more need for mobility never experienced before.

Empowered by AI and machine learning, Threats become more complex and sophisticated letting cyber attacks and data breaches increase dramatically every year.

In  another hand, companies’ ecosystem become instable by the continuous personnel changes and lack of Skilled cyber security professionals that become rare due to high demand.

Organization MUST secure their business by securing their assets & Data across Cloud Services providers and manage skills to ensure their existence and development. But how organizations can respond to those changing risks, and weaponized to be on top to combat with the right Skills?

New CyberSecurity strategies should be adopted with new Mindset and approach: Security controls should be more business focus and data centric supported by visibility analytics and automation.

The tenets of ZeroTrust is the key to achieve new organizations CyberSecurity goals and business.

CyberShield is unique, we adopt the ZTX framework as a DNA. With an impressive security experience, expertise, team & solutions we consult, guide and advice companies to map business risks and impacts, extend their existing capabilities to fill crucial gaps and provide real-world threat-driven insight, we propose tailored ZeroTrust strategy and roadmap that will be field translated into ZTX architecture integrating best solution that can be delivered.