Why CyberShield

Our business model empowers our vendors, partners and customers achieve their respective business objectives.

To our vendors, CYBERSHIELD has elevated the relationship to that of a ‘trusted advisory’ role. In addition to our exemplary VAD capabilities, we act as our vendors’ extended teams on the ground we operate in, providing end-to-end services in sales, technical support, logistics and marketing. We maintain solutions through our MSSP program that guarantee the efficiency of solution with day-to-day work, 

To our channel community CYBERSHEILD brings leading-market, emerging technologies and services, while providing technical training to assist them on their path to autonomy and develop their skills in these technologies.

With CYBERSHIELD consultative approach focusing on  understanding customers challenges, identify existing gaps in their cybersecurity and IT infrastructure.
Our solution architects and specialists work closely with them to design a custom solution integrating various technologies to provide them a holistic solution.